Acquiring Spouse Visa in Malaysia
Being a foreigner married to a Malaysian citizen, you can acquire your Long Term Social Visit Pass (LTSVP). Others call this as Spouse Visa in order for one to stay longer in Malaysia. All you have to do is to re-register your marriage in Malaysia (if you are married overseas). In our case, we re-registered our marriage in Malaysia after our wedding in the Philippines. You need to go to the state where your spouse is staying. So we went to Johor Bahru Immigration office and submitted our documents for the application of my spouse visa. The documents we submitted were the following: Borang IM. 12 document which will be provided by the Immigration office Borang IM. 38 which will be provided by the Immigration office stating the details of the applicant's name and others Photo copy of both couple's passport with immigration chopped upon exiting Philippines Photo copy of both couple's passport with immigration chopped upon entering Malaysia Photocopy...